Discover our
Evolution Wristband System

As Parkour practitioners evolve during their lives, their skills, strength and confidence grow as well.
With the evolution wristband system we as parents and teachers can guide them during their development and we can motivate them to stay focused on their improvement to scale up to the next level. Also, we are capable of tracking this growth and adapting the classes contents and environment to every kid's real needs.
How do the stages work?
All students will start at stage 1 (Mouse) and at the end of each term, depending on their skill level will have the opportunity to test the next stage up.
Testing days:
-Koala stage test: June 18th 2022
-Panda bear test: To be confirmed.
Stage 1 - Mouse
A Mouse is an agile animal with a big potential to show to the rest of the world.
This is the first stage and the first wristband our students get. At this level they will learn the foundations of parkour and improve their overall body control and mental discipline.
Requirements for Mouse stage:
To take parkour classes with a good attitude and commitment.

Stage 2 - Koala
Koalas are small but strong animals capable of climbing big trees. They are safety movers and rarely fall from their branches when moving in the wild.
Koala students demonstrate a solid understanding of parkour language and good performance on basic parkour skills. They must be capable of training safely avoiding unnecessary risks.
Here the students will learn a new parkour skill set and will start learning how to combine all the movements in a flowy way. They will face their first mental barriers and challenges, overcoming fear and uncertainty.
Requirements for Koala stage:
6-9 months of consecutive enrollment.
To take parkour classes with a good attitude and commitment.
Understanding basic Parkour language (They must know the names and shapes of the basic skills).
Koala stage skills set:
Quadrupedal Movement (QM) or Bear Walk 5cm wide surfaces without falling.
Basic Vaults: Monkey/Kong-Vault, Safety-Vault, Speed-Vault and Lazy-Vault.
Basic Jumps: Precision Jump, Running Jump and Arm Jump.
Soft landings with the ball of the feet (not falling to their knees or hands) at least 1,5m drop.
Catching and throwing small objects with both hands standing on a beam.
Walking 3m on a rail.
Moving 3m horizontally on a climbing wall without falling.
Doing at least 8 monkey bars.
Know the Parkour main values:
Safeness→ “To be and to last”
Respect and Kindness→ “To be strong, to be useful”.
Passion→ “Train hard”

Stage 3 - Panda Bear
Panda Bears are overall good movers, they can climb tall, run, jump and even do handstands. They have a very good balance, strength and endurance.
Panda students show good control of their body and the basic Parkour skills. They are overall good movers with balance, strength, speed, endurance and flow.
In this stage students will learn how to take the discipline to a real advanced level. They will face bigger challenges and fears and will learn how to do it safely. They will also improve their strength and learn new combined and complex skills. This stage is a dive-in into the discipline, its’ philosophy and its’ way of living. They will become more independent and learn how to develop their own challenges and goals
Requirements for Panda Bear stage:
6-12 months of consecutive enrollment.
To take parkour classes with a good attitude and commitment.
Understanding all the Parkour language and values(They must know the names and shapes of the Parkour skills and values).
Koala stage skills set.
Panda Bear stage skills set:
Vaulting: Reverse-Vault, Dash-Vault. All koala vaults on tall obstacles (1,5m+).
Jumping: Sticking runing jump 2m, Sticking precision jump down (1m drop) and tic-tac from a flat wall 2m.
Landings: Landing soft from heights. Landing with Parkour roll, Landing with bear walk.
Complex movements: 360º, Lashe, hold handstand on the wall for 60 sec, Wall run up 2,5m on a flat wall.
Walking 3m backwards on a rail without falling.
Sticking precision jumps in rails with ease.
Doing all the monkey bars.
Enduring 3 minutes of Parkour course.
Performing a flow course with 4-6 movements without stopping.
Catching and throwing small objects with one hand on a beam.
Overcoming mental barriers.
Checking the environment before taking risks.
Understanding the Parkour main values:
Safeness→ “To be and to last”
Respect and Kindness→ “To be strong, to be useful”.
Passion→ “Train hard
Stage 4 - Gorilla
Gorillas are the strongest and most capable in the animal world. Their physical abilities stand out among the other animals. The wild is their environment and they feel comfortable moving and improvising in the chaos of the jungle.
Gorilla students are full grownups on the discipline and show big strength, good mindset and control of most of the Parkour skills. They feel comfortable improvising and moving around an obstacle course. They trust in themselves and their abilities and are more independent in their practice, developing their own challenges and goals both in Parkour training and in life. They are an inspiration and a referent for younger or lower level practitioners, Gorillas must be able to transmit the discipline foundations both in movement and philosophy.
In this stage they will start discovering their own path and style and get more specialized on it by developing new skills and combinations and improving the ones closest to their style.
Requirements for Gorilla stage:
6-12 months of consecutive enrollment.
To take parkour classes with a good attitude and commitment.
To share and explain all the Parkour language and values to younger Parkour practitioners.
Koala stage skills set.
Panda Bear stage skills set.
Gorilla stage skills set:
Combined movements: Kong-Precision, Kong-Lazy, Dive Kong, Step-Precision, Lazy-Precision.
Complex movements: Climb-up level 1-2, Arm jump 180º back, Wallrun up flat wall(+3m).
QM on a rail for 5m.
Sticking running jumps with ease.
Enduring 5 minutes of Parkour course.
Performing a flow course with 2-3 combined and/or complex movements without stopping.
5 Pull ups and 15 push ups with proper shape.
Jumping 2m precision jump and 3m running jump.
Control of ukemi movements (fail safely): Bounce back, Crain and Splash.
Explaining the Parkour main values to others:
Safeness→ “To be and to last”
Respect and Kindness→ “To be strong, to be useful”.
Passion→ “Train hard"

Stage 5 Specialist - Twister, Warrior and Ninja
The specialist is that person who has full control of one style or skill branch. They stand out on their style and are capable of doing amazing things no others can do. They are fully evolved human beings with their own free mind and body.
In this stage we have 3 types of specialists, each with its unique skill set and style. Students in this stage will keep improving their own style while training to get the other styles so they can become a complete Traceur master. Also they are an inspiration and a referent for younger or lower level practitioners, and must be able to transmit the discipline foundations both in movement and philosophy and debate about those foundations in a respectful way adding their own independent ideas and thoughts.

Specialist - Twister
They like to flip and twist. With outstanding proprioception and balance they are able to perform different tricks and use them in a Parkour real life environment.
Requirements to be an Twister specialist:
12+ months of consecutive enrollment.
To take parkour classes with a good attitude and commitment.
To share, discuss and explain all the Parkour language and values to younger Parkour practitioners.
Koala stage skills set.
Panda Bear stage skills set.
Gorilla stage skills set.
Twister skills set:
Tricks: Controlling at least 2 flips (from sideflip, frontflip and backflip) and 1 twist (for B-twist, aerial twist, Back-full)
Performing a 2m 360º Precission Jump.
Performing a 4m 360º Running jump.
Performing a 2m reverse-pre jump.
Performing a Cartwheel on a balance beam.
Being able to add a flip or twist on a flow parkour course.
Knowing how to do/learn flips in a safe way.
To overcome mental barriers for jumps with a high level of difficulty.
Specialist - Knight
They are strong traceurs and they like big jumps and powermoves. With outstanding strength and power control they are able to cover long distances with fast runs and climbs, really big jumps, lashes and high drops.
Requirements to be a Knight specialist:
12+ months of consecutive enrollment.
To take parkour classes with a good attitude and commitment.
To share, discuss and explain all the Parkour language and values to younger Parkour practitioners.
Koala stage skills set.
Panda Bear stage skills set.
Gorilla stage skills set.
Warrior skills set:
Powerful lashes with the hip over the bar.
Controlling Stapler lashe.
Being able to do squats and pushups on a rail.
Being able to lift heavy weights.
Being able to muscle up on a bar.
Performing level 3-4 climb-up.
Performing 2m Kong-pre.
Sticking 3m+ Precision jumps.
Sticking 5m+ Running jumps.
Performing 5m+ Arm jumps.
Wall run up 4m+ tall walls.
Safely landing drops from 4m+ heights.
Endure a 10 minutes parkour course.
Perform an ascendent parkour course without stopping.
To overcome mental barriers for jumps with a high level of difficulty.
Being able to balance on a rail with closed eyes.
Specialist - Ninja
They are agile and precise. With outstanding flow and body control they are able to flow like water in a silent and graceful manner. They like to connect movements and moving on any kind of terrain.
Requirements to be a Warrior specialist:
12+ months of consecutive enrollment.
To take parkour classes with a good attitude and commitment.
To share, discuss and explain all the Parkour language and values to younger Parkour practitioners.
Koala stage skills set.
Panda Bear stage skills set.
Gorilla stage skills set.
Ninja skills set:
Sticking jumps to rails with ease.
Control of the kip muscle up.
Full control of the landings (landing and moving with as little noise as possible).
Improvising Parkour courses on the act with ease in a grateful way.
Control of the Ukemi: Knowing how to fail on purpose.
Full control of the Parkour roll and dive-roll.
Performing arm jumps to a pole.
Control of rebound movements: Tic-tac, Return and splashback.
Moving on top of rails (and any terrein) with ease.
Being able to overcome mental barriers for jumps with a high level of difficulty.
Being able to balance on a rail with closed eyes.
Stage 6 - Master Traceur
The master traceur is a referent for the parkour community, They are able to inspire everyone for a good Parkour practice and understanding of the discipline. They are the most complete traceurs and have conquered all Parkour branches.
Requirements to be a Master Traceur:
5+ years of experience.
Being recognised as an inspiration by your local community.